BubbleLife Staff
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Need to clear some space in your home before St. Nick makes his next appearance in December? Here are a handful of toy drives and donation centers that will gladly accept your children's unwanted playthings. Perhaps they'll make some other family happy after they leave your home. 

Cradles to CrayonsThis organization takes newly-near children's items and gives them to low-income families in need throughout the community. They have donation drop-off sites scattered throughout the area, and they'll take anything from warm outfits for kids to the toys you no longer want. 

Walker Wishes Holiday Toy Drive. This drive benefits children ages 3 to 14 through community-based programs and donations. If you drop toys off by December 11, they'll make sure the items go to children in need. Keep in mind that donations are by appointment only. 

Big Wishes Gift Drive by The Home for Little Wanderers. You can take gently-used items to The Thrift Shop of Boston. All of the proceeds from the shop go towards The Home's initiatives to care for children and families who are struggling to make ends meet. 

Room to Grow
They hope to offer resources to parents in need with young babies, and they'll accept toys and other necessities if they're in good condition. You can view their donation hours on their website. 

Know of other local places that will accept your used toys? Leave suggestions in the comments below!

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